Ryan and I have wanted to test out camping with a toddler for some time now. Our good friends Kyle and Allison braved the trip with us. We went to Fish Lake in Leavenworth and it was beautiful. While our camping spot was the most private spot, Parker went straigt to bed with two whimpers at 8:45 and woke up at 6:00am with a big ole smile on her face.
This is Parker's m.o. whenever I pull out the camera.
Me and my sweet Parky girl. She was getting her second tooth during the trip so she wanted to be held by mama the entire time. We had some good mother/daughter bonding.
Ryan's birthday tent being used for the first time. We will definately be using it many more times.
My little monkey playing in the tent. Happy girl!
Group photo before we packed up. Thanks for the fun memories friends!